Thursday, January 29, 2009

Ashton has been sleeping since 2:30. It is now 5:20. He woke up once in between but I was able to rock him back to sleep. So it has almost been two hours of quiet, but not so much peace. When he is awake, I run out of things to do with him. You can only play peek-a-boo so many times and I don't want him to get bored of this toys. I really should be doing my dad's website instead of my own blog, but that stuff just gives me a headache. I don't know how to do a website so trying to figure it out is driving me crazy. I used to like to design but now that it is work for me I really don't like it. But that is probably because I don't know what I am doing. I would rather work on Ava's bows or Ashton's scrapbook but I have to do this website thing.

But of my beloved wittle baby boy.

I. Am. Obsessed. He is just so cute I cannot stand it!

Here he is eating Julia. She thought she felt something funny....

I had to sneak this one of me and the girls. Oh, how i heart them!

His first night in the crib....I don't know if we should leave him alone...he looks kinda drunk....

He woves his wittle monkey....
Ah. Must. Stop Baby Talk....

With Great-mama Dory....he usually doesn't cry hewas just sad that day.

I love nakie pics of him. He came home from the hospital in that shirt...hewould be bursting out of that likethe hulk. I guess you can't tell in the pic.

He loves this little jungle thingy. It has flashing lights and music. Thanks mom & dad.


Marissa said...

he is such a chunk! he's so cute!! all i want to do is do stuff for my baby and so everyday when i go to work and do stupid payroll stuff i get so annoyed! i love even just ironing her clothes...i can't wait until i have some time to do some crafts and stuff!! he is such a little cutie..i love how he puckers his lips...are you doing okay with him in the other room? your posts crack me up...

Kate said...

I can barely stand it, either! He is super cute! I'll have to tell Hannah to look him up when she gets older. LOL.

Julia Warren said...

oooh a pic of ashton eating me!! he is such an adorable little are lucky weeness...very lucky.