Friday, April 16, 2010

signed up

i finally did it!

i bought my ticket to this:

I am soooooooo excited....and nervous! I am rooming with 6 other gals I don't know so it should be interesting. I am paying for a room because I want to make friends and not be a weirdo loner in the classes and sitting alone at lunch....yes I still worry about this stuff. maybe i should be a weirdo loner. anyway. i am excited to learn and make meeelllions of scrapbook pages...i am very behind so this will be a very productive weekend.

i will miss my baby though....2 days!! i don't know if i can do it. i think i may cry now.

wish me luck. i will be gone from the 22-24.

see ya on the flip side :)


Erin @ Strawberry Mommycakes said...

That sounds sooo fun! I wish I could go!

I have to leave my baby on those days too for a convention thing for Sean's work and I've seriously cried once a day thinking about I feel ya! Maybe I can blame it on breastfeeding hormones???

Have fun and good luck making friends :)

Marissa said...

of april? if its in may ill go!! i would totally do all of these with so excited ot have someone to do this stuff with!! and yes, i would totally worry about sitting alone etc

The Wendelschafer's said...

I would have gone with you too.. that sounds like fun.. It's hard for me to sit down and do more than one page a day... I could actually catch up!!

Melanie said...

Sounds fun! I need to be better about pics and I would like to do them digitally! Anyways, we need to get together for a playdate soon, even if it's just at the park.
And you are NOT a wierdo loner. I still worry about stuff like that too, funny how that happens! :)