ok i know you guys want some pics....but the camera cord is upstairs. and i am tired. and lazy. next post- promise :)
once upon a time there lived a beautiful brunette with her handsome beau and lovely little manchild. one day they decided to try out a new happening cafe in a distant land. they couldn't expect much since it was very inexpensive as it was frequented by college students. the next day, the bb (beautiful brunette) felt ill....and it got worse.....and she didn't eat for 2 days! she lived off a powerful water called the ade of gator. she felt weak and tired. by the third day her pants fit loosely and she felt it was time to eat....and eat she did! now she is back to her normal state....breaking even (lost 5 lbs and gained 5 lbs). woohoo.
i feel like getting sick was such a waste! when i lost the weight i thought it was worth it.....but nnooooo.